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Planning Board Minutes 06/03/10
June 3, 2010 Meeting
Site Walk to Subdivisions

Members & Staff Present:
Scott Burnside (Vice-Chair)      Diane Chauncey (Staff)   David Dubois (Member)
Jesse Lazar (Member)     Peter Moore (Planner)    Andrew Robblee (Member)   Stephen Schacht (Alternate)    Gordon Webber (Ex-Officio)  CR Willeke (Chair)
Member & Staff Absent:  
Joe Koziell (Member)    

Public Attendees:
Chip Craig (Road Agent)
Doreen Raitto (Resident)

Review  Period:
·       Appoint alternates –not necessary
·       Review 5/20/2010 Minutes

Site Walk:

The Antrim Community Bus, driven by Mr. Moore, left at 6:08 pm. Four approved subdivisions were visited to review and update the PB members. The Planning Staff provided a map of the subdivisions, the Notice of Decision, and the Town Engineer’s “punch list”. The packet is available at Town Hall in the Planning Department minutes.

Ashley/Green Ridge Road aka Homes at High Hills, Kateco, and now – Green
Ridge Road, LLC (owner – John Cook) File #2006-05PB [Scott Burnside did not attend this portion of the site walk]: The subdivision has eight lots. One lot has been sold with a structure on it. The remaining seven have not been sold – one of the seven has a cracked foundation on the lot. The Board members walked Green Ridge Rd (a private road) and Ashley Rd (Class VI road) and discussed the cracked foundation on one of the lots, drainage (needs work), curbing (forces the water to Elm Ave), the former stone walls on Ashley Road, lack of crown on Ashley Road, the break up and cracking of the tarmac on Ashley Rd. The Road Agent was concerned with the pavement breaking up and the drainage problems.  The rising “hump” at the end of the driveway of lot 20-9 (Ledgerwood’s home), was pointed-out as an example of what happens when the culvert is not placed deep enough. The Board members agreed that there was still issues to be addressed on both roads.

Pierce Lake Estates II (owner – Don Glover; former owner – Don Knapton) File # 2005-12PB Three of the seven lots have been sold. The final paving has been done. The Board members walked the road and commented on the views, the winding road, and the underground utilities. The culvert under the driveway on Lot 2 has failed. Most Board members concurred that it was a well done subdivision.

Valley View (owner – Dan Valley) File #2003-09PB Four of the six lots have sold. Three of the sold lots have structures completed and full time residents. The road has had drainage problems – particularly near lots ll & 13. Lot 13 could not build without  a change in the road’s condition. There has been discussion (a Conceptual Consultation, File # 2009-08PB - October 15, 2009, and a presentation to the Board File #2009 - 09PB – November 19, 2009)  – in which a hammer head was proposed to eliminate the tight cul-de-sac. The material used to originally build the road is inferior. Should the road be restructured, the Road Agent should be in attendance when the  material tests are taken. The road did not follow the plans when it was laid out and the profile was not followed. The Board agreed that there were numerous issues to be addressed on Valley Lane.

Mighty Oaks Realty, LLC (owner – Terry Schnare) File #2005-03PB None of the 21 lots (5 commercial lots and 17 residential lots) have been sold. The final paving has been laid. The drainage and culverts(with headers) are all operating. The Board members agreed that the subdivision was well done and that possibly developers of proposed Antrim subdivisions should look to this approved subdivision as an example of a carefully planned and executed subdivision.

At 8:30pm (with darkness approaching), Mr. Burnside moved to adjourn. Mr. Schacht seconded it. The meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted, Diane Chauncey, On Behalf of the Antrim Planning Board